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Stay together, Stay Creative
No Man Is An Island

Shanghai, along with some other cities in China, are experiencing the longest and strictest wide-spread lockdowns due to the omicron outbreak. Except for the large numbers of infection cases, everyone in the city is facing additional tension and pressure from severe food shortage, difficulties in purchasing daily necessities and seeking medical services.

It’s not the easiest time for all these who’ve been living and working here for a long time, including the entire Mazarine Shanghai team. It takes a lot more time and effort for all the team members to work together without seeing each other in the office, while trying their best to take good care of themselves and the families under stringent lockdown conditions, to keep the work going on flawlessly and stay connected with each other in this rather difficult time. Mazarine Shanghai keeps delivering high-quality work to its clients, accurately advise them with strategic, creative, and business recommendations. New projects were achieved and kicked-off despite all the uncertainties and challenges during this period. Group discussions, meetings and workshops are promptly rescheduled online to create a side-by-side working environments for all the teammates and clients.

How pandemic will affect advertising? How to keep creating and coming up with new ideas in times like this? Mazarine has been putting a lot of thought into these questions. Unlike the limitations brought by quarantine, creative minds are always liberating. When we finally got the chance to have a pulled-back view on our daily life and work, creativity turned out to be such a strong power that enables us to see through our experience and get somewhere further. Online workshops, and group discussions around themes like NFTs, Metaverse and new trends in advertising industry started through Teams, topics concerning sustainability and creative thinking are ready to be scheduled in the upcoming months. With all these open discussions Mazarine team took the chance to reinvent the thinking process, break the pattern and set new goals for future. Despite all the difficulties, we are trying our best to make things happen, keep having a positive impact on the community and the industry. 


Mazarine is continuing and will continue its creative work for all our clients and partners, paying heartfelt attention to all who are going through this challenging period, giving back to the community in our own way, team up to brighten up the days. 

Hope you all stay safe, make things happen and create joy, even in the hardest time. Afterall, spring can not be cancelled in our lives.





Mazarine Shanghai 

2022 Spring
